On-line Help
Help is available from the menu within the program, even when no network connection is available. The help system is organized by topic which can be found by searching or using the table of contents and index. Each screen also has custom help and context sensitive infomation accessible using the F1 key or Help button.

User Guide
A comprehensive user guide is available for download and can be viewed and printed using Adobe Acrobat Reader. The user guide contains all the information avaiable in on-line help plus more illustrations, examples, screen shots, and a better index. The user guide is currently available only in electronic form and only in English.

UML Diagramming Guide
The UML Diagramming Guide is a supplemental user guide. It describes how to use the program features to implement the diagramming conventions and constructs of UML 2.0. Like the main user guide, it is also available only in PDF form and only in English.